


      为改善唇腭裂患儿的生活质量,复旦大学附属儿科医院与爱心无国界基金会于2009年4月5至4月11日举办了 “唇腭裂爱心之旅”,邀请美国著名整形外科医生Dr.John Ness 和著名麻醉师Dr.Creston Martin 来院为患有唇腭裂的22名儿童进行手术指导。手术费用由儿科医院与爱心无国界基金会共同承担,这些孩子来自全国不同的社会福利院或农村贫困家庭,他们不需要支付任何手术费用。经过中美医生的通力合作,所有22名孩子都恢复了健康,双方对此结果都感欣慰,并决定在未来进一步全面深化合作关系,以开展慈善事业,造福需要帮助的儿童群体。

      Children's Hospital of Fudan University (CHFU) and Love Without Boundaries Foundation (LWB) have built a long term partnership since July, 2008. Both sides are dedicated to helping the orphaned and impoverished children of China. CHFU has been providing high quality medical services to the special needs children sponsored by LWB.
      In order to improve the quality of life of the children with cleft lip and palate, CHFU and LWB held a "Trip of Love for Cleft Children" from Apr.5 to Apr.11, 2009. Dr.John Ness, a famous American plastic surgeon, along with Dr. Creston Martin a famous anesthesiologist, were invited to help in performing the surgeries for 22 children with cleft malformations. The cost of these surgeries was sponsored jointly by CHFU and LWB. The children came from different social welfare institutes or impoverished rural families and were offered this chance to be healed, free of charge. With the effort of the Chinese and American doctors, all 22 children have recovered their health. Both sides feel very excited about this partnership and will continue to carry out a deeper cooperation into the future for the purpose of charity work.